
Welcome to the Swargarani Bell Schedule, outlining the structured rhythm of our school day. Our bell schedule ensures smooth transitions between classes, breaks, and activities, optimizing learning opportunities for all students.

Here’s a breakdown of our typical daily bell schedule:


  • Passing Periods: There will be a five-minute passing period between each academic period to allow students to transition between classes.
  • Special Programs: Some days may feature special programs, assemblies, or events, which may alter the regular bell schedule. Advance notice will be provided in such cases.
  • Bell Signals: Bell signals will indicate the beginning and end of each period, as well as transitions between activities.

Stay Informed

  • Our bell schedule is posted in prominent locations throughout the school, including classrooms and common areas.
  • Parents and students can also access the bell schedule through our school website or mobile app for convenient reference.

Important Reminders

  • Students are expected to be punctual and arrive on time for each class.
  • It's essential for students to listen attentively to bell signals and follow instructions for smooth transitions between activities.

At Swargarani, our bell schedule is designed to optimize instructional time, facilitate efficient transitions, and create a structured learning environment conducive to academic success. Thank you for adhering to our bell schedule and contributing to a positive and productive school day!