
At Swargarani, maintaining a positive and respectful learning environment is paramount to our mission of fostering academic excellence, personal growth, and character development. We believe that a culture of order and conduct is essential for creating a safe, inclusive, and conducive atmosphere for all members of our school community.

Here are the principles and expectations we uphold:

Respect for Self and Others

  • We expect all students, staff, and visitors to treat themselves and others with kindness, empathy, and dignity.
  • Respectful behavior includes listening attentively, speaking politely, and valuing the perspectives and differences of others.

Responsibility and Accountability

  • Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and choices, understanding that their behavior has consequences.
  • We promote honesty, integrity, and ethical conduct in all aspects of school life.

Safety and Well-being

  • The safety and well-being of every individual in our school community are of utmost importance.
  • We maintain a zero-tolerance policy for bullying, harassment, violence, or any behavior that jeopardizes the safety or emotional well-being of others.

Compliance with Rules and Policies

  • Students are expected to familiarize themselves with and adhere to all school rules, policies, and procedures.
  • These rules are in place to ensure the orderly operation of the school and to promote a positive learning environment for everyone.

Classroom Behavior

  • In the classroom, students are expected to be attentive, participate actively, and follow instructions from teachers.
  • Disruptive behavior that interferes with teaching and learning is not tolerated.

Respect for Property

  • Students are responsible for taking care of school property, as well as the property of others.
  • Vandalism, theft, or any form of destruction of property is unacceptable.

Dress Code

  • We have a dress code in place to promote a professional and respectful appearance conducive to learning.
  • Students are expected to dress modestly and appropriately for a school setting.

Conflict Resolution

  • We encourage open communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution through peaceful means.
  • Students are encouraged to seek assistance from teachers, counselors, or administrators if they encounter conflicts or challenges.

Consequences for Violations

  • Violations of school rules or conduct expectations may result in disciplinary actions, which may include warnings, parent conferences, detention, suspension, or other appropriate consequences.
  • Our goal is not punitive but rather to help students learn from their mistakes, take responsibility, and make positive changes in their behavior.

Community Partnership

  • Maintaining order and conduct is a collaborative effort involving students, parents, staff, and the broader community.
  • We encourage open communication and partnership to ensure a safe and supportive learning environment for all.

At Swargarani, we believe that promoting order and conduct is essential for creating a positive and nurturing learning environment where every individual can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. By upholding these principles and expectations, we cultivate a culture of respect, responsibility, and excellence that prepares students for success in school and beyond.