Welcome to Swargarani Events Hub! At Swargarani, we believe in creating memorable experiences that enrich the lives of our students, families, and community members. Our vibrant calendar of events offers something for everyone, from academic competitions to cultural celebrations, from charity fundraisers to sports tournaments. Join us as we come together to learn, grow, and celebrate the spirit of Swargarani. Here’s a glimpse into the exciting events happening at our school:
  1. Academic Competitions:   

    Prepare to be inspired by the brilliance of our students as they showcase their intellect and creativity in a variety of academic competitions. From science fairs and math Olympiads to debate tournaments and spelling bees, our academic events are a testament to the dedication and talent of our students.

  1. Cultural Festivals:

    Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of cultures represented at our school through our vibrant cultural festivals. From Diwali celebrations and Lunar New Year festivities to International Day showcases, our cultural events offer a glimpse into the diverse traditions and heritage of our community.

  1. Sports Tournaments:

    Get ready to cheer on our student athletes as they compete in exhilarating sports tournaments and championships. Whether it’s cricket matches, football tournaments, or swimming galas, our sports events are a testament to the dedication, teamwork, and sportsmanship of our athletes.

  1. Performing Arts Showcases:

    Experience the magic of the performing arts at our school’s showcases and recitals. From musical concerts and dance performances to drama productions and talent shows, our performing arts events celebrate the creativity and talent of our students.

  1. Charity Fundraisers:

    Make a difference in the lives of others by supporting our school’s charity fundraisers and community service projects. From food drives and clothing donations to fundraisers for local charities and global causes, our charity events embody the spirit of compassion and generosity.

  1. Parent-Teacher Conferences:

    Stay informed and involved in your child’s education by attending our parent-teacher conferences. These events provide valuable opportunities for parents and teachers to discuss student progress, share feedback, and collaborate on strategies for success.

  1. Career Fairs and Workshops: 

    Explore future career opportunities and gain valuable insights into various industries through our school’s career fairs and workshops. These events connect students with professionals, alumni, and industry experts, helping them make informed decisions about their future career paths.

  1. Alumni Reunions: 

    Reconnect with old friends and classmates at our school’s alumni reunions and networking events. These gatherings provide opportunities for alumni to reminisce, reconnect, and celebrate the enduring bonds forged at Swargarani.

  1. Wellness Workshops and Seminars:

    Prioritize your health and well-being by attending our school’s wellness workshops and seminars. From mindfulness sessions and yoga classes to nutrition workshops and stress management seminars, these events empower participants to lead healthy, balanced lives.

  1. Stay Connected:

    Stay informed about upcoming events, news, and announcements by visiting our school’s website, following us on social media, and subscribing to our newsletters. Join us as we come together to learn, grow, and celebrate at Swargarani!

At Swargarani, events are more than just gatherings; they’re opportunities for learning, connection, and celebration. Join us as we create memories, forge friendships, and build a vibrant community united by a shared passion for education and enrichment. We look forward to welcoming you to our upcoming events!
Sl No  Month Date Event
1 June 15/6/24 Yuvi pep classes begin
2 14/6/24 Talents Day IX & X
3 17/6/24 Election of School leaders
4 21/6/24 World Environment Day, World Music Day & International Yoga day celebration
5 22/6/24 Principal’s Feast Day
6 26/6/24 Investiture Ceremony
7 28/6/24 Talents Day VII & VIII