Always and forever a Ranian.
“Education is about empowerment, about cultivating a human being to the highest possible potential”.
I can say with immense pride that at Swargarani,not only I graduated with a certificate but also being the best possible version of myself .My journey at Swargarani in one word would be ‘Enduring’. The amount of opportunities this institution has provided me with is numerous. The sole reason I have self confidence today is because of the Talent’s day and many other events that they organized. The teachers used to motivate me to participate in as many events as possible. I still remember having my hands full because I had to balance between studies and cultural programmes. It is due to that I realized my ability to multitask and that confidence is intact till date. Amidst all the life lessons taught at school, there was a large amount of fun too.
The excursions, Christmas parties, feast days and much more are still fresh memories in my mind. Like they say school days are golden. I always wanted more than just academics , I wanted to add value to each and every aspect of my life and Swargarani was the best I could get where academic and extra curricular activities was perfectly balanced.
Getting into professional courses is a major transition in the life of a student. After being in the same institution for 17 years , going out was scary . It was only then that I realized I was prepared to the best possible extent to face the world in those 17 years. At present being a part of various NGOs ,I’m living my dream of serving the society and the start to all of this has been Swargarani. The values and skills inculcated during schooling by various teachers to me is the reason I am moving forward towards my dreams. All I can do to give back to this institution is to be a good human being.
No amount of words can describe my entire 17 years journey here. The only thing constant is change, as cliché as this may sound, life is all about moving forward but the values learnt from swargarani will be with me forever.
Always and forever a Ranian.
Mythili S