Down Memory Lane (2008-2020) – Jean Andrew
My remarkable journey in Swargarani School began in the year 2008, when we moved to Bangalore. The beautiful sylvan surroundings of the school first caught my attention when our family moved into the neighbourhood.
It was indeed a privilege to meet Sr.Thomsin, the Principal of Swargarani School. Seeing my credentials and experience, she appointed me as an English teacher. I was doing my M.Phil in English when I joined, and sister encouraged me to complete my studies and motivated me. Thus, it was smooth sailing into Swargarani family.
During my tenure in Swargarani School I had the privilege of working under the able leadership of Sr. Thomsin, Sr.Anjana, Sr.Anne and Sr.Tanya, who I remember with great regard and love. Sisters always appreciate dedication and hardwork. Having imbibed these values from my parents, it heped me a lot in my career as a teacher.
Teaching has been my passion and God enabled me to serve in this institution for His glory.
The Swargarani management played a crucial role in the well-being of the staff members. Sr.Lucy was a real mother to us all. Her smiling saintly face was an inspiration to all of us. I recall Sr.Anna as a prayerful mentor and Sister Immaculate as a dynamic versatile genius.
Teaching is a noble profession but challenging too. The quiet time in the prayer hall gave us the strength to face challenges. I enjoyed teaching Shakespeare’s plays whose characters come to life when students enact it in class. Being a part of the school choir was a great blessing.
English Department has a unique place in school. There were moments of happiness and tough challenges too. Staff picnics and Christmas celebrations are etched in my memory.
I fondly remember the management, Principal, my dear colleagues, and my beloved students who are entwined in my life. As the school grew in leaps and bounds, I missed the intimacy of Swargarani family. Change is the only permanent thing in life. As the saying goes – the old gives way to the new, and I felt it was time for me to retire.
My best wishes and prayers are always with you as you celebrate twenty-five years of excellence. I wish to conclude with a note written by my student.
‘A teacher should have a special place.
In every child’s heart
You are a very special teacher.
And to me you are number one’
If I have influenced a child in my tenure of nine years in Swargarani my mission is accomplished.