
Ranian Experience

Moving in to a new School at the beginning of your high school life can never be easy, I am glad that my life took that path.  I joined Swargarani School in the 8th Std. Before that I had studied in a same school from preschool to 7th std which was a comfort zone till then. Having to move in to a totally new atmosphere was a real challenge in my life. So, I say early challenges are always a learning curve in one’s life. 

Why is Swargarani School and Pre-University College very special to me? Well, there is no one particular reason for it.  
The days I spent over there as a student was most cherished part of my life. Every day was a learning experience, not just academics but an all-rounded learning experience. 

Swargarani not only helped me in acquiring academical knowledge, it also helped me more to nurture my life skills. Swargarani as a school, inculcated the human values and tried in grooming me into a better individual. I am thankful to teaching and non-teaching faculty who have guided me and moulded me towards becoming a better individual from where ever I was then.   

I have never felt a gap for lack in communication between the teachers and students. The voice of students were heard by every faculty member. School has encouraged me to achieve my other interests like sports, cultural activities etc., and definitely helped me to do my best in everything I did. So, with academics too. This institute prepared me well and all rounded me for the real life.

On completing 5 precious years at Swargarani, it was  a very critical and crucial stage of life wherein you are sent to face the real life. Though I had had some bit of ups and downs of my life, from every incident and event I could come out of it successfully and efficiently. 

According to me, Swargarani school and college is not just a place for academic’s orientation alone. Here the student’s overall personality evolves by exposing him / her to various extra-curricular activities.   It is a place to count on for the overall growth of a student. No words to express the nurturing ability of teachers and which reminds me of the olden days gurukul.  
The culture of unity and togetherness was inculcated in us throughout. The fun and frolic moments are the most lovable moments of my life. 

I have cried, I have laughed, I have troubled my teachers. Today at the beginning stage of my independent life and career, the life skills what has been learnt as a student is helping me to sail through the tough waves of real-life situations. I can proudly say my strong roots at Swargarani and the faith in my alma mater will make me face the world with courage and confidence. I am truly blessed and privileged to be a proud “Ranian”.

Akash Hegde