Sarah Henry 2 PU – Science
Swargarani. The name simply translates as ” the queen of heaven” and even a minute on that campus makes you feel like you are in one. It may sound cheesy to most of the people but I’m just stating the facts because once you are inside the school building you can never “get rid” of the wonderful family you find there. Every single person, let it be the teachers, the non teaching staff, the students and even the security will make you feel at home.
Kindergarten: The Era of Innocence
My journey at Swargarani started 15 years ago, a wide-eyed little pre-schooler in the hallowed halls of kindergarten, blissfully unaware of the things she’ll be going through. Those years were a blur of plastic chairs and nap times. There would’ve been more to it but obviously, I don’t recall any of it.
Middle School: the Rise of the Rebels
School, my friends, was like a Netflix series- friendships, dramas, plot twists, occasionally questionable character development, fights, tears and, of course! The happiness we shared together. This shows the level of patience the teachers of Swargarani had to sustain. They are truly marvellous. They make the daunting into the doable and make learning an adventure. They truly are the unsung heroes of Swargarani. As a matter of course, there were many cringe worthy moments that made me want to bury my head in the sand. During those moments, I did realise one thing that no matter what happens, this family of mine will always have my back and never let me down and that I’ll always be a part of the gigantic Ranian family.
High School: The Exam Exorcism
The supposed pinnacle of our Swargarani experience turned into a tragedy due to COVID-19. But that didn’t stop us from having fun. Except it was all online. Fast forward to my days in PU. The only highlight in the entire two year journey was the Goa trip in II PU because we were too invested in studies and competitive exams to even enjoy our seniority.
Looking back, Swargarani wasn’t just about academics. It was about the friendships forged over whispered jokes in class, the assignments that left us more confused than hyped, and the teachers who, despite their quirks, became unlikely mentors. We may have shed a few tears along the way, but we also learned resilience, humor, and the importance of.
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My happy place

By Rutwik V Desai, 2PU – Commerce